Wizard of the Alabaster Spire

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In the ancient Feywild city of Arilan Atrin stands the Alabaster Spire, a great school of sidhe wizardry. It is a place of subtlety and occult nuance, no place for those with boisterous or violent tendencies. Its magi are known for their mastery of the minds of their foes, specializing in magic that creates illusions and enacts charms.

As a wizard of the Alabaster Spire (usually called "spire magi" or "alabasters"), you study the fey arts that flow naturally through the Feywild and beyond. You prefer subtle magics and those that turn enemies into allies, rather than piles of ash. You probably revere the Feywild and sidhe culture, for many of its philosophies are interwoven into the occult teachings of the Alabaster Spire. You either trained at the Spire itself, or learned from someone who did.

The natural magics you tap into with the Alabaster Spire's wizardry often cause your hair to whiten in streaks - usually with just a forelock or streak at the temples. Alabaster archmagi usually have heads of snow-white hair.

Fey Allure

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you can sacrifice some of your own vitality to limit the ability of a single target to resist your illusion or enchantment spells. Spend a wizard hit die when casting such a spell; reduce the target's save result against that spell by the amount on the die.

Lesser Pishogue

Beginning at 2nd level, add minor illusion and friends to your spellbook. When using minor illusion, you may create an illusion of both sight and sound simultaneously. When using friends, targets do not realize you used magic to influence them until an hour has passed.


Beginning at 6th level, add misty step to your spellbook as a wizard spell. Additionally, when using any enchantment spell, you can increase the time before the target remembers being enchanted. This requires concentration even after the spell has ended - targets do not regain the memory until your concentration lapses.

Passing Threads

Starting at 10th level, you may "pass" Concentration of an illusion or enchantment spell to your familiar, if it is of fey origin. Any damage to you or your familiar still forces a Constitution save to avoid losing the spell, this time using the familiar's Constitution.

Greater Pishogue

Starting at 14th level, the targets of enchantment spells no longer recall being charmed, and will in fact justify their actions as their own after the spell's effects end. Additionally, by spending a wizard hit die when casting an illusion or enchantment spell, the spell's duration is doubled.