Yaren Elthir

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Yaren Elthir
Master Vintner
Age: 32 • Virtue: Friendliness • Vice: Greed
Goals: Make lots of money and lots of friends
Agility: 2
Animal Handling: 2
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 4, Notice 2b
Cunning: 4, Decipher 2b
Deception: 3, Bluff 1b
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 2
Healing: 3
Languages: 3 (Imperial), 1 (Folkish), 1 (Habersi Trade Tongue)
Knowledge: 4, Education 2b
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 4, Bargain 2b, Convince 1b
Status: 3
Stealth: 2
Survival: 2
Thievery: 2
Warfare: 2
Will: 3
Intrigue Defense: 11 • Composure: 9
Combat Defense: 8 • Health: 9
Armor Type: x • Armor Rating: x • Armor Penalty: x
Weapons: x
Sorcery Points: x • Sorcery Defense: 10
Arts & Works: x
Destiny Points: 2
Knowledge Focus (Nature), Trade (Vintner), Guildmaster (The Guild of Brewers & Vintners)
Flaw (Athletics)


Yaren grew up in Feindrholt, the son of vineyard workers. His intelligence was soon recognized, and he became an apprentice under Master Vintner Caedfyr. Caedfyr encouraged his education and sent him to several other vintners on his journeyman years. Yaren takes great pride in his work, and has settled into his role well. Caedfyr had named Yaren as his heir and he inherited The Kennel House in Hounds Peak and a stake in a small tavern in Feindrholt.

Yaren is a Guildmaster in The Guild of Brewers and Vintners, overseeing the production of all of House Durwald's vintages. He also manages trade with other domains, sending Houndsreach wines to the finest courts and the lowest taverns. His current pet project is to create a brandy using Houndsreach grapes.

Rumors & Tendencies

There are a variety of local rumors about NAME:

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