Star Wars: Malevolence of Mandalore

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Player Characters

Nerra, Selonian Seer
Played by Chillos
Tehlvin Ohmidarr, Ataru Striker
Played by Joe
Nico, Jedi Guardian
Played by Chris
Roman Vechtor, Jedi Advisor
Played by Dave
Varina Rin, Sith Wars Veteran
Played by Jeff
Suri, Chiss Niman Disciple
Played by Jamie

The Galaxy

  • Coruscant: Center of the Galaxy, and home to the Jedi High Council and the site of the new Jedi Temple, currently under construction.

Outer Rim

  • Dantooine: Located in the Outer Rim. Home to one of the few remaining Jedi Enclaves - Dantooine serves as a training ground for the most promising Padawans
  • Ossus: Barren World in the Outer Rim. Once home to the Jedi, the world was nearly destroyed by the Sith, much of its knowledge lost. It is all but impossible to reach due to Hyperspace disturbances

Expansion Region

  • Teya IV: Found in the Expansion Region, home of the Teyan Praxeum
  • ORD Brentall: While the planet itself is largely unremarkable, the Republic has maintained a massive orbital facility, which now serves as Jedi General Revan's Strategic Command.

Unknown Space

  • Ilum: An Ice World in Unknown Space. This world is one of the few places where Jedi can harvest Lightsaber Crystals.


Notable Mandalorians

  • Mandalore the Ultimate
  • Field Marshal Cassus Fett
  • Marshal Canderous Ordo
  • Field Marshal Garon Borm
  • Demagol, the Butcher

Controlled Territory

Non-Republic Worlds

  • Althir - the First major world to fall to the Mandalorian Crusades - now a Forge-World and Shipyard.
  • Malachor - Revered within the Mandalorian culture, this system is uninhabited.
  • Korriban - The ancient home of the Sith is garrisoned by a small force.
  • Ziost - The Mandalorians have established a massive holonet listening post on this world.
  • Raxus - The junk-world has become a supply and repair base.
  • Yavin - The Mandalorians train new recruits out of the ancient ziggurats and pyramids of this world

Captured Republic Worlds

  • Cathar - The Defenseless Cathar population was all but destroyed. - World now serves as a training ground.
  • Jebble - the resource rich ice world has now become a Mandalorian Prison.
  • Vanquo - The mining facilities of Vanquo has since become a massive fortress complex.
  • Tarnith - Tarnith has become the 'breadbasket' of the Mandalorian territories.
  • Taris - The city world has been devastated by the Mandalorian invasion and is being turned into a Forge-World
  • Ord Mantell - The hyperlane stopover now serves as a massive staging ground for the Mandalorian Army
  • Iridonia - Home of the Zabrak, Iridonia suffered from weeks of fighting before falling to Mandalore
  • Numerous lesser worlds

Notable NPCs

Jedi Council: High Council
The Jedi: Dantooine Enclave

Rules and Mechanics

UPDATE With the release of the official Force and Destiny Core Rulebook - the following changes are now in effect:

  • Consular: Niman Disciple - This Talent tree has been modified by Jack for use in this game. (affects Suri)
    • Replace: 20xp Reflect (Column 2, Tier 4) - Replace with Classical Strike (20xp) - You may suffer 2 Strain when making a Lightsaber (Wil) attack to avoid increasing the Difficulty from using 2 Weapons.
  • Guardian: Protector - The talent tree for this specialization has changed. (Affects no characters)
  • Guardian: Soresu Defender - The talent tree for this specialization has changed (affects no characters)
    • Remove 25xp Center of Being (Column 2, Tier 4) - Replace with 25xp Dedication
    • Add 25xp Improved Reflect in place of old Dedication (Column 3, Tier 4)
  • Seeker: Ataru Striker - The Talent tree has been modified by Jack for use in this game (affects no characters)
    • Repace: Improved Parry (15xp) (Column 4, Tier 3) - with Endless Assault (15xp) - You may suffer 2 Strain when making a Lightsaber (Agi) attack to avoid increasing the Difficulty from using 2 Weapons.
  • Sentinel: Shadow - The talent tree for this specialization has changed slightly (affects no characters)
  • Sentinel: Shien Expert - The Talent Tree for this spec has changed slightly (no characters affected)
  • Warrior: Aggressor - The Talent tree for this spec has changed slightly (no characters affected)
  • Force Power: Battle Meditation - The Power Tree for this power has changed slightly
    • The Last Range Upgrade has been changed to: Control (20xp) You may suffer 4 strain to change the Range of this Power to Planetary Scale.
  • Force Power: Bind - The Power Tree for this Power has changed slighting
    • The Duration Upgrade now requires 3 Force Dice committed to sustain its effects (Up from 2).
  • Force Power: Protect/Unleash - The Power Tree for this Power has been completely redesigned. (Affects no Characters)

Basic Rules
Force Powers

Previous Editions