Chu'unthor Tour 644 AR

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Each year in the Galactic Standard Calendar has 73 total weeks. Each Cycle of the Chu'unthor adheres to a similar pattern, allowing each Cycle to take one year.

Operational Stops

  • Coruscant: Departure from Coruscant
  • Yag'Dhul: 1 week. Embarking orbit. The Chu'unthor waits here for its myriad passengers to arrive before transit to the Outer Rim.

Mission Stops

In each of these locations, the Chu'unthor arrives, takes up orbit around the world in question and maintains that orbit for a few weeks at a time. During that time, the Masters Council sends Jedi on missions to systems around the Orbit. Universities, ambassadorial missions, and similar others aboard the Chu'unthor may also take advantage of that location to tend to the needs of their various organizations.


  • Coruscant: 6 weeks. The Chu'unthor returns to Coruscant for repairs and downtime, while its Masters Council prepares for the following Cycle.